Sunday, January 30, 2011

P.M.S. Ranch Style

     P.M.S. Ranch Style (Protective Mother Syndrome) Ranch Style. During calving it is natural for my girls to be protective of their little ones. It is with great care and soft talking we tag and band if necessary (bull calves) we pet baby and walk away always talking soft. Mama sniffs her young, sees it's still alive and continues on. But we have #14 The Devil. She suffers from P.M.S. Extreme. With her it doesn't matter whos baby, she will defend it from all and if shes having a bad day she will take it from mom and decide when to give it back.  This year the extreme has hit a new level. Moving her and hers to a seperate pen with a few young cows for our own safety. Perfect plan.:) :) After 20 harrowing minutes of horn knocking foam spitting pissed we managed to get baby moved then she followed. Ahh calm. Fixing fence- not to her liking jumping pen #2 fence running over babies slamming mamas at the complete injustice of being moved. The bawl from pissed #14 is one you will respect.  She hits the fence when I feed so each day. I will use great care and when baby is old enough #14 shall be gone. That day will be one of great celebration.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

First Calf

     Last night was a blizzard could hardly drive home. Winter was back in full force. This morning the sun came up to be a beautiful morning. Quite warm for winter again today. The husband came around the corner and told me our first calf arrived. Out of a first time calver none the less. Mama and the little bull calf are doing good. When you look at that adorable little white face calf it is clear Ducky was around. Couldn't have picked a better day.

Nanas Babies

"Feedn chikns" with Kallie dog the protector.
      I am very lucky my grandchildren love Nana & Papas ranch. At this age they bail out of bed when they hear the door, they want to feed "the chikns"( I need to record that). They have to feed Ducky the bull and check for baby cows so they can give a bottle. I hate to break their heart but I truly hope we don't have a bottle baby this year. We are all blessed to be here. They take the sleds outside the shop and sled up and down the mini hill. They make snow angels and trails and then run in to get warm and have hot chocolate. Not many children have the outdoor freedom ranch kids have.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Natures Artistic Places

K Mountain
        I view "K" mountain out front of the house, from my kitchen window and from my garden. It is beautiful in the winter as the K stands out with snow. It is actually rock then outlined with trees. It amazes me man had nothing to do with this. A few years ago we had a forest fire adjacent to K. I remember sitting on the porch drinking coffee hoping and praying it was spared. The fire itself was a dramatic thing to watch how fast it ran through the mountains.

Spring Teaser Makes Work

     I love love love January thaw. It was the perfect day. All the frost free waterers are WORKING! Lots of physical and mental working together. We put up more fences in more places. As we were working the elk walked back and forth on the hillside, watching, making their game plan. I actually felt (feel) like we are sparring. My anticipation to see the night thru and see if we won tonights efforts or not is probably odd to most. I am doing my hourly checks so far so good.
     I was in fence building mode so started on garden. I went to the creek bottom and started thinning out the willows and brought them up and wove them thru the fence. Concept is high enough the jumpers stay out and into the ground enough the girls stay out. I enjoy the calming busyness of the girls when I work the dirt and they work by me, digging and scratching. I thought to myself WOW not everyone gets this.
Then just as written in the book about the little red hen. Those who work in the garden harvest the garden. I guess the girls didn't think I put much time in. :) :) So we are going to be a little more one sided this year. But as I am learning, it is a watch and do as you go world out here on the ranch.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

      I so knew I didn't weed eat all the way for a reason (other than I never found the energy). This Pheasant Rooster is enjoying the seeds left on the weeds. Winter food.
      Supposed to be 15 below tonight I hope not. But the wood is piled high and everyone has extra food to keep their body temp up. So very glad we don't calve in January. It was very cloudy and snowy today but every now and then the sun peaked. I could see all the elk waiting me out. The wolf call only lasted a couple of hours last night. Oh well small price to pay for living on this beautiful ranch.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


       This Bald Eagle was kind enough to let me snap his photo as he watched over my girls eating. Not sure his intentions are in my girls best interest. Amazing strength in those claws and beak.
       As I was leaving the drive way I watched the scattering of the little flock of mallard ducks. Then I saw a hawk swoop in and try to grab a hen. Never knew they would get a bird that big. I was in his way so she survived. An interesting world we live in.

Trouble In Paradise

    Well in the wee hours of the morning a ruckus broke out and much to my dismay my girls were being killed. Kallie our beloved flower dog ( such a hippy) pushed open the door and was having a fit. Thanks to her our loses were minimal. I am a really good shot under stress. A very large raccoon was maiming all our hens and had one killed. I knew they could be mean, but when he turned at me and hissed with those fangs my instinct finished the fight. I haven't used the gun to do anything but shoot rubber bullets to get the elk out of hay, so was glad I still could.
       On a better note the waters are thawed except the auto frost free ones and the animals are all in pens with water. A little less work in the cold. :) :) My son got a wolf call and being as that is what pushes them in to us we haven't seen any tonight since we played it may have to sleep all night tonight. :) :)
My poor little girl and the evil predator.

January 4, 2011

Yesterday was 14 below today 5 above. Waters are froze outside. One should always be careful what they want from the New Year. I wanted to get more fit. :) :) So now I get to haul 5 gallon buckets of water and throw hay bales. God has a sense of humor as my friend tells me. Next Year I may not be so vocal or obvious. Day 9 of cold and flu. Think I need to get to happy place to kick this.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

"A few of the hairy girls"

"The girls"
A little warmer today only zero. Not much protesting. A lot of damage to the hay stack last night. The husband and I put up a zig zag of metal panels to detour the "Elk". The girls were happy to see their winter food supply being saved. The pheasants were in the yard today a little braver all the time. My bulldog Annie was not impressed. She tends to get a little territorial. I wonder where she gets that from :) :) :). Ducky the bull (our very own Ferdinand) has the saddest cry for such a big fella, it's almost comical. Thought he should get out of jail (Bull pen away from the girls) and eat more today but not happening.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

from the ranch

My view walking out to feed.

While there are days when my girls both hairy (cows) and feathered (chickens) are comforting and peaceful to be around, today was not it. At 10 below this morning I was taken to task as though I  personally had something to do with it. My sassy hens were cranky and bickering and my timid girls not far behind, the poor boys just kept tilting there heads a little vocal but they know who runs the coop. The cows flung their heads in protest making sure I acknowledged their despair. Once fed all was well again. And while I enjoy the world outside and time with my girls my fire inside was to nice to venture far away from. The night is bringing in the elk again everytime I stoke the fire I open the door and scare them out of the hay. The mule deer left a horn yesterday will make a good candle holder. I see the medium white tail buck has only 1 horn, on a warmer day will see where he left it.