Tuesday, February 15, 2011


 After months of sleep lacking nights and severe exhausted state of mind, a successful depredation hunt. Even though they were being shot at they would not leave. I guess those rubber bullets demistified the fear they once had. It occured to me as we were disposing off the outer casing , that maybe they needed proof to really understand. So I named it Martha and set it on the fence. I explained "Look what happened when Martha ate Mamas hay!" Since I know they understand and read ( the only explanation why they come only during none shooting hours). As I did my bihourly check there they all were looking and talking about Martha. They left. Day 3 a power sleep night and still no damage this week. Oh the sweet sleep of success. I know my nights are numbered but for now. Yeah!!!  (There will be no pictures for this post due to the graphic nature)

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