Sunday, February 12, 2012


My son dropped off a new pup that my granddaughter picked out for me. She is a smart one. Started working right off. Our other two dogs Tuffy(heeler) is 13 & partially deaf, Kallie( a lab cross) with arthritis and has been a hippie dog not really caring to work just follow you around and get in the way. So with the husbands surgery taking him out the running for calving I accepted the new dog. Now Tuffy is bouncing all over making sure he is in charge and Kallie does everything the new dog does. Quite funny their new attitude. I just love PiPi she is so soft. I was hoping she would stay home and guard but the first thing Kallie did was take her to each neighbor and introduce her. The neighbor dogs all the same breed of aussie shepard & collie wait for Pipi to get done with chores they wait at the bottom of the driveway and say one bark to tell they are there. I watch as she watches me anxious to get finished so she can go with her friends. As soon as I close the door she is gone. Sometimes I open it up real quick and she puts the skids on. :) :) After they visit each house and get their treats they play tag and then she comes home and naps then makes the rounds checked the cow pens. Funny how animals know there charges.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

2012 Calving Season

What a change from last year. As we are calving, the morning requires a coat but have been out checking cows in Tshirts. The mild winter has offered great rewards this year. Our cows and babies are very fat and sassy this year. The elk have left us alone. They came once and tested the new fence never seen them again. HAPPY! As you can see from this picture some are fatter than others :). Never have had a set of twins maybe this miserable mama will change that. UPDATE 02/26/12 this mama just had a half growed bull calf no twins but a big bugger to hold, tag and band!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year 2012

I start the New Year with family and friends. It is going to be fabulous. Had the 3 grandkids with us at the neighbors sled riding, food and talk. The kids run around laughing and every now and then a few tears. It was so beautiful and so peaceful it makes a person want to put the next foot forward looking straight on.