Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bottle Baby

Everyone gets lovies.

 Bertha had her little guy and the kids are thrilled she is their cow and they love to feed the baby. It is cute when they are here. But as Bertha is Bertha she always takes her baby to the top so I can walk my happy ____ uphill carrying a bottle of milk. When I'm half way there she meets and walks with me calling for baby to come to supper. We have a system she calls the shots and I do as told. :) :) When we are all done she walks me back to the house with baby in tow to bed down. Totally satisfied. :) :)

Garden Prep

   This years seedlings are going crazy. After starting them in mini greenhouses (containers strawberries and cookies from the store come in) they sprouted and are taking over. I make my transplant pots out of newspapers. So I guess I better buy another sunday paper. :) I hope we can have room to wait for planting time. It's been 3 weeks and most are about 5" tall. Yeah! Doing Farmers Market this year.  Granddaughter says we need green beans and flowers, Grandson says we need Pickles and Strawberries !